Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas from You, Me, and the Color Red!
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Christmas Spirit
Is everyone in the Christmas spirit? It hasn't quite hit me. I still have a lot of shopping to do and have yet to decorate the house. The first Wisconsin snow came this week and was so pretty! I am hoping to take some photos next time it snows at a local park. The snow makes me want to wear huge scarves and sweaters. I feel I am losing my style or getting lazy, but when you wake up and it is pitch black and freezing outside it's hard to put on a nice dress. Anyway I realized I had not posted these photos but they are a couple weeks old. (P.S. The coat I am wearing is one of my favorite articles of clothing.)
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Minimalist Movie Posters
I'm going to college for graphic design. Plain and simple. I was browsing the Internet the other day and found these posters. I am a huge fan of of these minimalist movie posters, and minimalist art in general, and Hayley and I were looking at them while in a surrealism/dadaism class. Here are a few of my favorites:

Sunday, November 18, 2012
Remix #2
So, the remix outfit #2 is polka-dot pants. These are the most comfortable pants known to man! Hayley wore them with a jean shirt and boots, while I wore them with a cream shirt and white/gold shoes.
Sorry we haven't posted anything this past week, it was a little crazy. We both worked a lot of hours and just didn't get around to it.
Anyway if you are wondering what the huge metal thing behind me in the pictures is, it is an old printing press that was outside a paper museum. We're lucky we live near a historic downtown area where there is a river, railroad track, trails, and cool old buildings. I love history and hope someday to live in a historic house like the ones in this area.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Braids and Colored Tights
Winter is on it's way! As the days go by the wind continues to chill us.
Today we decided to head over to a local park. The park had a wooden stage platform that was covered in carvings of names and dates.
Mackenzie is wearing a darling grey ruffle dress with a red and navy-blue floral pattern. She's also wearing a cardigan in a red/orange color. Her necklace is a long gold chair with a camera watch on the end. The tights she wears are also navy-blue, matching the detail in her dress. Her new, buckled boots are different shades of brown and the back of them, where the zipper is, is a green, yellow, blue and red Navajo pattern.
I got this new adorable navy-blue peplum dress from Dillard's about a week ago that I just fell in love with. I paired it with a long black Vera Wang cardigan with plum purple tights, a floral circular necklace and a thin black belt to accentuate my waist. We were near a forest so I picked up this fallen pine branch that I thought created a good contrast between the purple and the blue I'm wearing.
Erika met up with us later to take a few cute shots together. Friends are the best. We had a lot of fun when she came. We tried planking, a craze incomprehensible by Kenzie and I, on top of these boulders. It was sort of a fail on all of our parts though. Haha!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
A good friend of ours is currently writing a novel. It is a fantastic book that we are editing/ giving feedback. I can't say to much about it, but it is supernatural, literally.
Listening to...
Skyfall by Adele. Hayley is sitting next to me now and we just watched the music video, I want to go see the movie just to hear the song play in the background. That would be epic!
Waiting for...
Downton Abbey, enough said.
Wanting to see...
Anna Karenina, we wrote a post about it earlier for more info.
Eachothers clothes. For the past week Hayley, Erika, and I have been mixing and matching eachothers clothes.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Tractors and Bikes and Fashion, Oh My!
While Hayley and I were taking these photos we couldn't help but think we look like true Wisconsin red necks. Especially with my patched jeans on and standing next to a tractor. HaHa! But these patched flannel jeans are my all time favorite pair of pants. They are so comfy and have inspired me to patch up other dated jeans of mine. My friends always say I don't own "normal people jeans." Oh well. I also get made fun of by my family for watching red neck shows, like my Big Red Neck Vacation and Swamp People then suddenly start watching Downton Abbey right after. But I can't help it that I love both ends of the spectrum.
The funny thing is that Hayley and I didn't even plan to match, it just happened. About two days a week we end up matching without even any planning. Its kind of funny.
I found this old bike in the field next to the tractor. It made my day! I have an obsession with vintage bikes. I really want to get one or a replica of an old bike, for college. It was to bad the one in the field was too old and broken to repair.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Remix #1
Hayley and I will have a couple posts where we both wear the same article of clothing but two different ways.
So the first piece is an Eddie Bauer sweater of mine.We both love this sweater because there are so many different colors and patterns within it that you could wear anything with it.
I wore it with a jean shirt, red pants, boots, and a cute brown hat. Hayley wore it with a brown patterned dress, a belt around the waist and combat boots.
We took all the photos, and the upcoming ones, on a mass photo shoot with our good friend Erika. We didn't plan what we wanted to wear beforehand so we all pretty much brought our closets with us and just threw stuff together. But it turned out awesome and was a ton of fun! You know when you look in your own closet and feel like you have nothing to wear? Well borrow some friends clothes! We realized when we used just one piece of each others clothes we came up with so many cool outfits.
P.S. The trunk looked like a tornado went through it!
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Outfits of the Day
So, we took these photos a couple weeks ago. The leaves were immaculate that day so we had to stop along the road and click a few.
Our Week at a Glance:
Listening to...
Coldplay(my favorite band) and Imagine Dragons, a great new band that will continue to get more popular I'm sure.
I just finished a book a friend lent me a month ago and never got around to finishing until now. It's called Wither, the first book in the Chemical Garden Series.
I just got back from Marquette, Michigan touring Northern Michigan University. The campus was beautiful with a whole lot to do but sadly they didn't have the specific program I was looking for, Fashion & Design or Interior Design.
Thinking about...
The future. Isn't that always on every body's mind? What does my future hold? Where will life's challenges take me?
Pets. They always bring joy to me when you need it the most.
Excited about...
Netflix. Awesome new movies are coming out. If any of you have Netflix check it out!
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