Sunday, November 4, 2012

Remix #1

Hayley and I will have a couple posts where we both wear the same article of clothing but two different ways.
So the first piece is an Eddie Bauer sweater of mine.We both love this sweater because there are so many different colors and patterns within it that you could wear anything with it.
 I wore it with a jean shirt, red pants, boots, and a cute brown hat. Hayley wore it with a brown patterned dress, a belt around the waist and combat boots.

We took all the photos, and the upcoming ones, on a mass photo shoot with our good friend Erika. We didn't plan what we wanted to wear beforehand so we all pretty much brought our closets with us and just threw stuff together. But it turned out awesome and was a ton of fun! You know when you look in your own closet and feel like you have nothing to wear? Well borrow some friends clothes! We realized when we used just one piece of each others clothes we came up with so many cool outfits.
P.S. The trunk looked like a tornado went through it!

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