Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Outfits of the Day

Hi, We are going to do something a little different. We are going to copy a post from Delightfully Tacky (which she copied from other blogs) that is super clever and fun:

Listening to...
Mumford and Sons! This is one of my favorite bands at the moment. I could listen to them all day long. Some would say they are country, folk, or alternative. Well let me tell you they are just plain awesome. And I also got Hayley to like them now too.

We both aren't reading anything right now (aside from our math book). I haven't read a really good book in a while and am hoping to start reading some more soon.

Well I'm not going anywhere right now. But Hayley went hiking in Utah and now is going to Kansas to see family and then next week to Michigan to look at schools. I wish I could do that...So, for about the next week I will be taking the blog over (with the help of our friend Erika) 

Thinking about...
College, I am currently applying to several schools and am hearing about every one's future plans. I am excited to hopefully leave Wisconsin and venture on my own, but it will be bitter sweet.

Excited about...
Hayley and I have a ton of cool blog ideas that you will get to see soon!

Anyway, I absolutely LOVE these pictures they turned out beautiful! Hayley and I went with our friend Erika and we found these old firetrucks and tractors in the middle of a field. How cool is that! We will definitely be returning.

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